Factoring service
for your employment agency

Ensure satisfaction and loyalty among your staff or collaborators by always paying compensation on time and being more flexible with your cash flow. Learn how our factoring solution can improve your cash flow and optimize your employment agency's service.
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Stay in control of your invoices!
Timely payouts
Make sure your employees always receive their paychecks on time, regardless of your customers' payment terms. This increases the loyalty and satisfaction among your staff
Improved cash flow
Improve your cash flow position significantly by taking advantage of our support. This allows you to respond quickly to market opportunities and keep your business scalable.
Create a stable financial basis for your employment agency. By reducing dependency on debtor payments, you can focus on growth and expansion
Tijdige uitbetalingen
Zorg ervoor dat je medewerkers altijd op tijd hun salaris ontvangen, ongeacht de betalingstermijnen van je klanten. Dit versterkt de loyaliteit en tevredenheid onder je personeel
Verbeterde cashflow
Verbeter je cashflow positie aanzienlijk door gebruik te maken van onze ondersteuning. Hierdoor kun je snel reageren op marktkansen en je bedrijf schaalbaar houden
Creëer een stabiele financiële basis voor je uitzendbureau. Door de afhankelijkheid van debiteurbetalingen te verminderen, kun je je richten op groei en expansie
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How factoring works
for employment agencies

Employment agencies can use factoring as a service to their freelancers and staff by offering them the option to receive their earnings almost immediately. Instead of waiting for clients' standard payment terms, employees can opt for an advance payment via factoring, where the employment agency takes on the role of debtor. This initiative not only strengthens the relationship with staff, but also makes the agency more attractive as an employer.

Own debtors
Employment agencies can also choose to factor their own outstanding invoices. This means that they can receive their debtors' money more quickly by selling these invoices to a factoring company. The result is a direct improvement in cash flow, allowing the agency to cover operational costs, invest in growth and ensure financial stability.

The key to financial growth for employment agencies

Looking for a way to optimize your employment agency's cash flow and get faster access to your hard-earned money? Factoring can be the solution you need. With this financial strategy, you can turn waiting for payments into readily available funds, making your operations smoother and more efficient. Whether it's about paying salaries on time or investing in growth, factoring offers the flexibility and financial stability to achieve your ambitions.

The benefits of factoring

Faster payouts
With factoring, you no longer have to wait for your customers to pay before you can cash out your team. This means that you can always transfer the salary to your employees quickly and on time. Such a smooth payout ensures satisfied employees who feel valued and want to keep working for you. It creates a positive atmosphere in the workplace where everyone can perform at their best.
Stronger financial position
By immediately converting your invoices into cash, you improve the financial health of your employment agency. This extra capital gives you the space to invest in new projects, technologies, or talent that can take your business to the next level. It's like getting a financial breather, allowing you to plan and grow strategically.


Less administrative burden
No one is waiting for the pile of paperwork and the constant follow-up of invoices. Factoring takes care of this by arranging debtor management for you. This means less time spent on administration and more time for what really matters: focusing on the growth of your employment agency.
Competitive advantage
In a market where every employment agency fights for the best employees and customers, factoring gives you a unique advantage. By guaranteeing fast payouts, you not only attract top employees, but also customers who appreciate your efficient business. This can be the difference that sets you apart from the competition.

Cash flow boost for employment agencies with factoring

In the world of employment agencies, smooth cash flow is worth gold. You know how important it is to be able to switch quickly, whether it's about paying salaries or seizing new opportunities. With factoring, you get that freedom. In this blog, we show how factoring works like a turbo for your cash flow and what it can mean for your employment agency. Curious? Read on to learn how factoring can help you manage your finances smartly and grow your agency.

Frequently asked questions

How do I start factoring for my employment agency?

Discover the possibilities of factoring for your employment agency in a personal online conversation, where we can put together a customized service. Plan here make an appointment.

What is factoring and how does it work for employment agencies?

Factoring is a financial service that helps employment agencies manage their cash flow. It works like this: the employment agency sells its outstanding invoices to a factoring company, which then immediately pays a percentage of the invoice value to the employment agency. The factoring company also takes over responsibility for collecting payments and takes care of any risks of default. This enables the employment agency to get immediate access to the money they need, without having to wait for payments. You can also offer factoring services to your staff or freelancers to improve services. We can offer a customized solution.

Can all employment agencies use factoring?

Most employment agencies can use factoring regardless of their size or the sector in which they operate. However, it is important that the employment agency has outstanding invoices that meet the criteria of the factoring company, such as minimum invoice value and creditworthiness of the debtors. Factoring is particularly beneficial for agencies that have to deal with long payment terms, who want to accelerate their cash flow or offer better services to their staff or freelancers.

How does factoring relate to traditional lines of credit or employment agency loans?

Unlike traditional lines of credit or loans, which generate debt and interest, factoring is a form of debtor financing that is not considered debt. Factoring provides immediate liquidity based on outstanding invoices without the need to incur debts or provide collateral. This makes factoring an attractive option for employment agencies that want to improve their cash flow without increasing their financial burden.

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