Learn how factoring
goes into his work

Factoring offers a powerful solution to the financial challenges that entrepreneurs face. With Faqtoring, you get access to the money from your invoices within one business day. We take care of managing your finances so that you can focus on growing your business. Interested in what we can do for you? Discover the convenience and benefits of partnering with Faqtoring!
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How does it work?

Working method
You will continue to work for your debtor and provide your services. You can create an account via our FAQToring portal. To ensure that your debtor is creditworthy, we perform a creditworthiness check.
With Faqtoring, you don't have to send the invoice to the debtor yourself. Upload your invoice into the portal and we'll do the rest. It's that easy.
Once you upload the invoice to Faqtoring, we'll make sure you receive your money at the time you choose. We handle waiting for the debtor to pay properly.
Stay in control of your invoices!

The benefits of factoring

Instant access to your money
You don't have to wait weeks or months for customers to pay. With factoring, you get money for your invoices almost immediately
Maintain a healthy cash flow
With factoring, you ensure a stable flow of money, essential for the growth of your company
Save time
You no longer have to waste time chasing customers for payments. We do that for you
No loan required
It's not a loan, so you don't have to worry about interest or debts

Get to know our simple approach

Invoicing with ease

Forget the old game of waiting and hoping; here's how we streamline everything for immediate financial benefit: Step one starts with a simple gesture: Instead of sending an invoice to your customer, upload it directly to our secure online portal. A modern twist on a traditional process.

Once your upload is complete, our team takes action. We will get to work with a close check of the details. If everything is correct, payment will be made.

While you focus on growing your business, we're taking the next step. We ensure that the invoice finds its way to the debtor. No more worries for you; you don't have to wait any longer for payment, we'll take over completely.

Why factoring comes at a cost

At Faqtoring, we understand that factoring costs are more than just numbers on paper; they are the key to doing business carefree. Our service not only removes the risk of late payments, but also provides complete debtor management. In doing so, we offer companies the space to focus on what really matters: growth.

By paying invoices immediately, we eliminate the waiting time for our customers. This means that while we wait for payment, our customers can use their capital to further develop their business. The costs for our factoring services reflect the value of these essential services: risk management, administrative relief, and the convenience of rapid liquidity. With Faqtoring, doing business goes hand in hand with financial freedom.

Frequently asked questions

Is my company suitable for factoring?

Yes, your company is most likely suitable for factoring. Factoring offers a flexible financial solution that is particularly suitable for SMEs, employment agencies and freelancers who want to improve their cash flow. If your company generates invoices for services or products provided, you can benefit from factoring.

What is factoring and how does it work?

Factoring is suitable for many different types of companies, such as small and medium enterprises (SMEs), start-ups and growing companies. It's especially useful for companies that work with business customers and have long payment terms. Factoring can also be beneficial for companies that need additional working capital to expand their operations or absorb seasonal peaks.

How much does factoring cost?

The costs of factoring may vary depending on various factors, such as the volume and value of outstanding invoices, payment terms and the company's risk profile. Factoring companies usually charge a percentage of the invoice amount as compensation, which can range between 2% and 4%. It's important to compare the rates and conditions of different factoring companies before making a choice.

Read here more about costs.

How long does the factoring process take?

The process of factoring can be relatively fast, usually within a few days to a week. After you have concluded an agreement with a factoring company and submitted your outstanding invoices, the company will check your debtors for creditworthiness. Once approval has been obtained, you will immediately receive money for your invoices.

Calculation example
Your invoice including VAT
Factor fee (2%)
- €200.00
VAT over factor fee (21%)
- €42.00
Paid out immediately